If you intend to use MrSpeedy more than once, we recommend creating an account. Creating an account will allow you to:
• Print receipt
• View order history
• Track, repeat, cancel
• Prepay (if you signup for a Non-Cash Business Account)
Create a Non-Cash Business Account1. Go to
https://mrspeedy.my/ 2. LOGOUT if you are currently logged in.
3. Click on LOGIN/REGISTER at the top left.
4. You will see a window popup, select SIGN UP, and select NON-CASH BUSINESS.
5. Fill in your NAME, EMAIL, MOBILE NO and click SIGNUP.
6. You will receive an EMAIL, please take note of the PASSWORD and click on the LINK.
7. Then you may top up your new account with credits by completing this form
https://goo.gl/forms/3QfEF02PlpTNy2fI2 8. Let us know that you have topped up by WhatsApping us on 0176749901 or through Chat on MrSpeedy.
9. Credits will be reflected immediately and you will be able to start using your credit.
Create a Cash Individual Account 1. Go to https://mrspeedy.my/
2. LOGOUT if you are currently logged in.
3. Click on LOGIN/REGISTER at the top left
4. You will see a window popup, select SIGN UP, and select CASH INDIVIDUAL
5. Fill in your NAME, EMAIL, MOBILE NO and click SIGNUP.
6. You will receive an EMAIL, please take note of the PASSWORD and click on the LINK